Men: what challenges you changes you. Are you ready to BE FORGED? Join us for Bible Study certain times during the year or just join our fellowship breakfasts on Saturday. We also have many events and opportunities to get to know other men who are walking with Jesus. Throughout the year we also coordinate service opportunites throughout the community.





To create something in a forge you need four elements: earth, wind, fire, and water. Each of these elements is used to produce something useful and beneficial to the one who forges it.

God uses His word, worship, our life, circumstances, relationships with others, our churches, our brothers, and just about anything around us to FORGE us into the men He created us to be. Here are four ways that Forged Ministries challenges men:

EARTH (Physical) – to create a tool, whether it be for work or for warfare, you need something from the earth. Think of iron or some sort of metal being forged into a sword. God uses US, our bodies (which came from earth and will return to earth), to fulfill His purpose. A big part of Forged Men’s Ministry is being challenged physically. We’re not into making everyone into fitness clones, but we want to challenge men to become better versions of themselves for God, for their families, and for the world around them.

WIND (Spiritual) – The Holy Spirit of God breathes life into us. In a forge, the smith uses air to fan the flames of the furnace. Without oxygen, there is no heat. Without heat there is no change! We study scripture together! The Bible says that the Word is God-breathed. It’s the oxygen we need in our lives daily!

FIRE (Mental) – If we are the metal, and God’s word is the oxygen, then our lives and the world around us is the fire. God allows us to be surrounded by circumstances daily that change us. They can be good, bad, or ugly circumstances, but God wants to use our jobs, our families, our churches, basically any situation we find ourselves in, to bring us closer to Him! If it doesn’t challenge us it won’t change us!

WATER (Relational) – Water is what cools down the metal and sets it in place. The smith has a plan for that tool of work or warfare. The metal is shaped by the fire which is heated by the air. When it needs to be set, it is plunged into water to cool it off. Our brothers in Christ act as this “setting” water in our lives. The men of Forged hold one another accountable through prayer and meeting together. These relationships grow deep and meaningful over time. The change that the Forging process begins is set in place by the Brotherhood that is Forged. We call each other out and up in love through Christ!


Is a multi-week Bible study and accountability journey that happens several times a year. It’s like getting in and intentionally allowing God to tune up your relationship with Him and others. But it’s not a solo journey! We journey together! In between THE FORGE rounds, we still meet for fellowship and service opportunities.